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Frequently Asked Questions

What Happens After I Place My Order?
Our project team will engage with you to set up your Ad On Review account.
Your project manager will set up auto info gather mechanisms

When Does My Subscription Billing Start?
When the order is placed. The set up fee and the first months subscription is deducted from your nominated bank account

How Long Does It Take To Set Up And Start Getting Reviews And Do You Help Get Reviews On My Behalf?
Under normal circumstances, it takes 5-7 days before review requests will start being sent out. We help get reviews for you if you have chosen the Five Star Package

Do You Provide Support To Use The Software

Do You Help Set Up And Manage Google Business And What’s The Process
Yes, as an extra to our packages

Can You Help With Setting Up My Facebook Account, So People Can Review My Business There?

Is Your Software An Overseas White-Label?
No, we are an Australian designed and managed software

How Do I Buy More SMS?
You can buy these directly in the SMS top up area in the software

Do My SMS Credits On The Five Star Package Accumulate If I Don't Use Them?

If I Provide My Customer Details For You To Help Me Send Review Requests, is this Information Safe?
Yes, your customers details are safe in our hands. Privacy and data security is of paramount importance to us please see our full policy here

Do I need an account for Adwords with Google and who sets that up?
Yes you do and Ad On Group will help set this up with you

Who pays Google for the cost per click and how does this happen?
You do. When your account is set up, you will need to put your credit card details into the payment section, so Google can charge you directly.

How does my Google budget work and How much does a click cost me?
Different search terms or words cost different amounts depending on how popular they are in a particular area. Google uses a bid system. Click costs vary from a few cents per click up to multiple dollars

What is a click?
When someone sees your Ad and clicks on it to be taken to your landing page or website.

What does the Ad On Group monthly management get me?
Finding the right search terms or words in your market at the best price takes expertise. Our account managers are constantly optimising the search terms to provide the best possible outcome. We also provide monthly reports

How long does it take to set up?
2-4 weeks

Who designs the concept and display ad?
Ad on Group does

Do I get a monthly report showing my ranking progress for my most important search terms?
Yes, you get a full breakdown of how your keywords are ranking each month

Do I have an account manager in Australia who I can communicate with?
Yes, they will have regular contact with you

How long does it take before I can start to see results of improved rankings?
We usually start seeing results at the 3 - 6 month mark ( depending on the initial audit we do, as there may be substantial fixes needed first before ranking can occur )

If I have had previous SEO work done on my website, can Ad On Group build on this?

What will the initial strategy, audit and roadmap show me?
We see what needs to be done and set out a plan to share with you. Which keywords, what needs to happen on your website, what needs to happen off your website, what blogs we need to write. All laid out in a timeframe. 

My package includes a 400 word blog every 2 months, do I have to do anything and why is this important?
No, we write and load your blogs. They are important because they cover topics about your business and industry that people search for. If they do a search, simply put, your website should show up. Google also loves websites with new, relevant, regular content.

Is there a minimum term?
Yes, like all of Ad On Group's marketing packages there is a 12 month minimum term, and then it is on a month by month basis.

How Long Will My Website Take To Complete?
Under normal circumstances, should you approve your content in a timely fashion, it takes 8-10 weeks

Do I Have To Write Any Content For My New Website?
No, we have professional writers that take care of all the creative writing. All you need to do is approve it!

I Understand My Website Package Includes Regular Updates, How Does This Work?
You can make regular changes (up to 12 changes annually) to content, typically, pictures, text, banners, icons. We allow up to 10% of your total website to be changed at any one time. The best way for you to manage your change requirements is to note them down so you form a list of the changes and collectively we can then discuss and implement the changes all at one time. Changes do not accumulate over time.

What’s The Process After Sign Up?
First we will do an on boarding meeting, then we produce the content and get your sign off. Once we have this, we develop your site in our development environment and put it live with your approval

Will My New Website Be Mobile Optimised And Secure?

Is My Website Indexed With Google And Content Written So It Can Be Found On Google Searches?

When Does Payment Start?
When you place your order the first monthly payment and a set up fee are taken straight away. This will ensure the your job is set up and work on your website can begin

Do You Keep Me Updated On The Progress Of My Website?
Yes, we provide regular updates throughout the production and launch of your website in addition to ongoing monthly performance reports.

Who comes up with the topics, concepts and content of my blog?
Ad On Group does, in conjunction with your input

How do blogs help people who are searching find my business?
When we write blogs, we index them with Google, ( if we manage your website ) so when people are searching for products, services or advice, your blog should show if it is relevant to that search.

What is search engine tagging and how does it work?
Certain words or phrases are listed in Google’s directory, so when people search Google’s algorithms

Who loads my blogs onto my website?
If you look after your own website ( or have another company ) it is your responsibility to load and index your blog. If we look after your website, we will do it for you.

How else can I use my blog?
You could send them out to your customer base as newsletters or put them on your facebook page

Who comes up with the topics, concepts and content of my brochure?
Ad On Group does, in conjunction with your input

Do I get monthly reporting on who opens my brochure and any actions that are taken?
Yes you do

Is my customer data safe?
Yes, please refer to our data protection and security policy here

Who manages customers who unsubscribe?
We do

I get up to 500 included text message sends or up to 2500 email contacts per 2 months, what happens if I want more?
You can purchase extra texts at 15c excluding GST per text. You can purchase additional email contacts at the following rates:

2501 - 5000 contacts = $100 excluding GST
5001 - 10,000 contacts = $180 excluding GST
10,001 - 15,000 contacts = $260 excluding GST
15,001 - 25,000 contacts = $400 excluding GST
25,001 - 50,000 contacts = $650 excluding GST

Do I Have To Write Any Content For My New Video?

I Understand My Video Flexi Package Includes Updates every 2 months should they be required, How Does This Work?
You would need to contact us and let us know what you would like changed. You can change up to 10% of your video at any one time. Typically things like an offer, a new product or service.

What’s The Process After Sign Up?
We write your script, which you approve, we then produce the video with voice over and send it to you in the form of a high def MP4.

Can I get help to upload my video onto various online platforms?

When Does Payment Start?
From the point of sign up

Do You Keep Me Updated On The Progress Of My video?

Who are my ongoing point of contacts for my online marketing stimulus package?
Your marketing manager is your key contact for strategic conversations and your project manager is your contact for any deliverables.

Do you provide reporting on how each product in the package is performing for my

Yes, each product within the stimulus package has its own reporting which we provide either monthly, 2 monthly or quarterly.

What happens after signup?
First you have a video meeting with your project manager to discuss any specifics and where we present your marketing strategy to you and run you through the process. We then get your various products started or set up from there.

Does my marketing manager speak to me regularly?
Yes, we contact you quarterly to discuss upcoming marketing strategies, improvements, your results and new trends.

How long before all aspects of my stimulus package are up and running?
Depending on what you have chosen, it can take up to 8 weeks, but on average, if there are no delays with your approvals it is generally 4-6 weeks.

Is there a minimum term for the stimulus packages?
Yes, it’s 12 months.

Can I change different eligible stimulus products in and out of my stimulus package?
Yes, after your 12-month minimum term you may change eligible products.

What’s the once off setup cost for?
It is used to book, allocate and pay for resources to begin your job.

Do I own any of the developed material at any stage? ( ie website, software, written material, graphic design, code )
Ad on Group, as part of your monthly subscription, assign all copyright and development rights for you to on a monthly basis. Software subscriptions do not allow for ownership as developed material is constantly changing, evolving and being updated.

What happens after the 12-month minimum term?
Your package is billed on a month by month basis

Can I downgrade my stimulus package to less eligible product inclusions after my minimum term?

Will I receive regular reporting to see how the Facebook Ads are performing?
Yes, you will receive monthly reports outlining your ads and how they are tracking.

Is there an account manager in Australia I can get in touch with if I have any questions?
Yes, we will regularly communicate with you to ensure you’re always kept in the loop.

My website is managed by another company, can I still get Facebook Ads with Ad On Group?
Yes, but you will just need to ensure your website team can upload the Meta Pixel and/or Landing Page for your ads.

I’m already doing Google Ads, is there any point in getting Facebook Ads too?
Facebook Ads are great for advertising products and services to a chosen specific audience when they aren’t necessarily searching for them. By combining Facebook Ads with your existing Google Ads, you will ultimately boost brand awareness even further and strengthen remarketing campaigns.

Is there a minimum term?
Yes, like all of Ad On Group's marketing packages there is a 12-month minimum term, and then it is on a month-by-month basis.

Product Terms and Conditions


Please note that from time to time well run special offers and there may be certain discounts applied to certain packages. Below pricing is our RRP for each package.

Ad On Hold Message Change: $990ex once-off (see package inclusions on the packages page)

Ad On Hold Flexi Message: $80 excluding GST per month – 12 month minimum term (see package inclusions on the packages page) There is a $200 ex once off set up fee

Ad On Hold Flexi - Self Install
$80 excluding GST per month – 12 month minimum term (see package inclusions and definitions under ' Ad On Hold Flexi - Self Install' ) There is no set up fee.

Video Flexi: $300 excluding GST per month – 12 month minimum term, then month by month thereafter (see package inclusions on the packages page) There is a $300 ex once off set up fee

Brochure Campaign: $600 excluding GST per month – 12 month minimum term, then month by month thereafter (see package inclusions on the packages page) There is a $600 ex once off set up fee

Website Illuminate: $400 excluding GST per month – 12 month minimum term, then month by month thereafter (see package inclusions on the packages page) There is a $400 ex once off set up fee

Website Showcase Ecommerce: $500 excluding GST per month – 12 month minimum term, then month by month thereafter (see package inclusions on the packages page) There is a $500 ex once off set up fee

Ad On Review Easy Rate App: $200 excluding GST per month – 12 month minimum term, then month by month thereafter (see package inclusions on the packages page) There is a $200 ex once off set up fee

Ad On Review 5 Star: $400 excluding GST per month – 12 month minimum term, then month by month thereafter (see package inclusions on the packages page) There is a $400 ex once off set up fee

Google Ads Management: $800 excluding GST per month – 12 month minimum term, then month by month thereafter (see package inclusions on the packages page) – This price is for an existing customer special offer. There is a $800 ex once off set up fee. This is our monthly management fee only and does not include any PPC expenses with Google. You need to pay Google directly.

Google Ads Remarketing: $400 excluding GST per month – 12 month minimum term, then month by month thereafter (see package inclusions on the packages page) There is a $400 ex once off set up fee

Blog Package: $300 excluding GST per month – 12 month minimum term, then month by month thereafter (see package inclusions on the packages page)

SEO Finder: $1000 excluding GST per month – 12 month minimum term, then month by month thereafter (see package inclusions on the packages page)

Ad On Group Stimulus Package - 2 Product: $400 excluding GST per month – 12 month minimum term, then month by month thereafter (see package inclusions on the packages page) – This price is for an existing customer special offer only and is a bundled package. There is a once off set up fee of $400 excluding GST as outlined in the product brochure. This offer is only available to certain Ad On Group customers who qualify.

Ad On Group Stimulus Package - 3 Product: $500 excluding GST per month – 12 month minimum term, then month by month thereafter (see package inclusions on the packages page) – This price is for an existing customer special offer only and is a bundled package. There is a once off set up fee of $500 excluding GST as outlined in the product brochure. This offer is only available to certain Ad On Group customers who qualify

Ad On Group Stimulus Package - 4 Product: $600 excluding GST per month – 12 month minimum term, then month by month thereafter (see package inclusions on the packages page) – This price is for an existing customer special offer only and is a bundled package. There is a once off set up fee of $600 excluding GST as outlined in the product brochure. This offer is only available to certain Ad On Group customers who qualify

Ad On Group Stimulus Package - 5 Product: $700 excluding GST per month – 12 month minimum term, then month by month thereafter (see package inclusions on the packages page) – This price is for an existing customer special offer only and is a bundled package. There is a once off set up fee of $700 excluding GST as outlined in the product brochure. This offer is only available to certain Ad On Group customers who qualify.

The prices in the above packages are based on payment via credit card or direct debit payments. A fee of $10 excluding GST per payment may be applied should monthly manual invoicing be required.

Facebook Management Packages

1) Facebook Pixels

Installing a Facebook pixel allows our team to incorporate remarketing features into your Facebook campaigns and track specific actions taken on your website, if we do not have access to your website to install the pixel you will need to have your website manager install the pixel in order for us to successfully run a retargeting campaign.

2) Facebook account access details
In order for us to set up Facebook campaigns we will require advertiser access to your business Facebook page as well as access to your Facebook Ad Account. Should you not have an Ad Account we can set one up for you, we will require admin access to your Facebook page to do so.

3) Ad Design
Your packages include ad design. Should we require any specific details, you will need to supply them in a timely fashion. We will revise ads, under normal circumstances, 3 times. Any further changes may be charged. We will not be held liable should any legal actions arise out of the ownership and usage of your assets between you and any third party.

4) Ad Approval
We require your approval for your ads in a timely fashion. Should we not hear from you within 2 weeks of supplying you with our final version of the ads, we will deem your ad production complete and load your ads into your Facebook account ready for your live campaign to commence when you are ready. The supply of the service will be deemed complete and our monthly management fee will apply.

5) Facebook Ad Spend
Facebook ad spend will be charged directly by Facebook to you in accordance with your campaign progress. This is different from our monthly management fee. Facebook does recommend a daily spend on different campaigns, we also recommend this for optimum results.

6) Our monthly package management fee
We will continue to charge you our monthly management fee even if we are waiting for design assets, ( like branding, details of special offers, pictures, logos etc ) access to your account or if you to load pixels onto your website. Under most circumstances we are able to design and build ads with minimal input from you however should we be waiting on you for specific items or on your ad approval then our monthly fee will still be charged.

Ad On Hold Flexi

You may choose to edit your On Hold a maximum of once every three months, plus a Christmas Message each year. These edits do not accumulate, and an edit is a partial change to the On Hold, ie. new product/service inclusion, change of details, change of offer.

Please note your Ad On Hold Flexi product consists of the on hold message ( held on our Ad On Hold player and is what callers hear when you place them on hold ) and the greeting, after hours and IVR prompt messages which are held internally within your system. Once you have the message player installed it is easy for us to change your on hold message. Should you wish to change your greeting/IVR Prompts/after hours message, you would need to speak with your tech to install those messages. We will record your required messages as part of your Flexi package.

Installation of Ad On Hold message players for the Ad On Hold Flexi

Ad On Group use accredited Telco contractors to install message players. We cannot be held accountable for any loss or damage that may be caused by these installers. We arrange at our cost a technician to install the player with the on hold message. By providing a player there is typically no need for a technician every time you wish to change your on hold message as described above.

Returning Our Message player should you cancel your Flexi Package

You are required to return our message player should you cancel your Flexi package. Your monthly payment for your Ad On Hold Flexi package will only be cancelled once we receive our message player back from you. The cancellation process is covered under point 12.

Ad On Hold Message Players are provided by Ad On Group and remain the property of Ad On Group.

Ad On Hold Message change

This is a revamp or minor change to your existing Ad On Hold message. This is charged as a one-off fee and does not include a technician visit to install the voice files onto your phone system. It’s your responsibility to arrange this with your technician.

Ad On Hold Flexi - Self Install

Ad On Group will provide up to 4 message changes per annum. It is your responsibility to load the messages onto your phone system on an ongoing basis. Ad On Group will provide you with the voice files in a digital format for you or your technician to load. You will be requested to provide us with the details of your phone system type so that we can provide you the voice files in the correct format. We will email you the files.

We run customer base digital marketing campaigns to your customers, on your behalf every two months. By agreeing to this package, you are allowing us to run these campaigns to your customers on your behalf. You may make changes to your EDM every two months.

Ad On Group will not be held liable for any claims arising from these send outs.

SMS Credits for Brochure Campaign

Should you require more than the included amount of 500 texts every month, the cost per SMS is 15 cents excluding GST. These can be purchased directly via our texting portal platform that you have access to. These do not accumulate if you do not use them.

Email credits

You may send to a maximum of 2500 email contacts per month. You can purchase additional email contacts at the following rates:

2501 - 5000 contacts = $100 excluding GST
5001 - 10,000 contacts = $180 excluding GST
10,001 - 15,000 contacts = $260 excluding GST
15,001 - 25,000 contacts = $400 excluding GST
25,001 - 50,000 contacts = $650 excluding GST

Running Email/Text Campaigns

We will set up campaigns at the start of the project and get your approval of these. We will only send these approved campaigns. Should you deem it necessary at any stage, we may change a campaign, with consultation from both parties.

Your Video Flexi is up to 40 seconds in duration and is either motion graphics or animation.

You may change up to 10% of the total content every 2 months. These changes do not accumulate should you not use them.

We give you your video in a downloadable format to use as long as you are paying the monthly package subscription. Should you cancel your subscription, our hosting of the video will cease, but you must also cease the use of the video on all other platforms. Ad On Group will check this. Should you still wish to continue using your videos on any platform, you will be charged 30% of the original monthly package cost, until such time as you have removed the video/s from all online platforms.

Content Creation

We require all requested information from you at a point of acceptance in order for us to build your website. This includes (but is not limited to) pictures, branding, contact details, product and service details, company background information, registrar details with account number and password. Please be aware that you are paying for your website from a point of acceptance, so any delay for requested information may limit our ability to complete your website. We may also provide graphic content, should you not have any access to images and icons.


We will host the website for you on our associated managed servers. We cannot be held responsible for any financial loss or damage should your hosting go down. Your website loading speed is dependent on the type of content you have on your website and we cannot be held responsible for dissatisfactory speeds. We will provide enough disc space and memory to allow optimal hosting.

Ongoing service

As part of your inclusions in your package you have quarterly changes. You may contact us to make the required changes or we may contact you. Unused changes do not accumulate over time. The nature of these changes, edits or additions include pictures, products, icons, and standard text. No more than 10% of the total content of the website may be changed at any one time. These may also include changes to your video.

Existing hosting supplier details

You must provide us with account details of your existing hosting platform, so we can take over the hosting and publish your website.

Domain Name Registrar Payments

On average, once every two years you are required to pay your chosen registrar for your website name. This is typically around $20. You are required to do ensure this happens and it is not part of this package

Email Hosting

These packages do not provide for email hosting. We will point your domain at your email platform. You will need to provide us all relevant information for us to do this. The information that we require from you is your email provider name, your account details and access to your account for the sole purpose of enabling us to point your web domain to your email account.


Whilst we have all reasonable security protocol in place, we cannot be held responsible for any security breach on your website


We require your written approval for all the written content we create for you. Should you not provide approval or guidance on this, you must be aware that you are paying a monthly subscription from the point of sale.
Once we have produced your website we will publish it on a test site for you to view. You have seven working days to provide us with any feedback in relation to any changes you may deem necessary.

If You Terminate

If you cancel your website payment we will discontinue to host your site. You will need to have another hosting platform ready for us to transfer your original website ( which is the website you had before we developed your new site ) across to.

Ownership of your site

Your Monthly subscription payments to us ensure that we transfer our ownership copyrights ( which is denoted by the copyright icon and your company name on the footer of every page of the website ) to your organisation to use for that monthly period. Ad On Group maintains all ownership of the developed material, this includes but is not limited to, the software code, the written content, and the developed graphics.

Ad On Review Easy Rate App

You get 4 user licenses for 4 different mobiles with the Easy Rate with a 400 text allowance in total across the 4 licenses. Should you require more than the included amount of 400 texts every month, the cost per SMS is 10 cents excluding GST. These can be purchased directly via our software portal platform that you have access to. These do not accumulate if you do not use them.

It usually, under normal circumstances, takes 1 day to set up your Ad On Review Easy Rate account for your business

Ad On Review 5 Star

We run customer base digital marketing campaigns to your customers to help customers to review your business, on your behalf after every interaction, on a weekly basis, or on a monthly basis. Which period we choose will be determined by how your business operates and your ability to provide us your customer details. By agreeing to this package, you are allowing us to run these feedback campaigns to your customers on your behalf.

Top Up SMS Credits for Ad On Review

Should you require more than the included amount of 500 texts every month, the cost per SMS is 10 cents excluding GST. These can be purchased directly via our software portal platform that you have access to. These do not accumulate if you do not use them.

Providing the service

It usually, under normal circumstances, takes 10 days to set up your Ad On Review for your business

Ad on Group will set up and manage your Google adwords account. We will provide monthly reporting on account activity and make changes depending on google search activity.

You will have to pay Google directly for your PPC. ( Pay Per Click ) We will work within your budget as advised by you.

It usually takes 2-4 weeks to set up your account

Ad on Group cannot be held responsible for the fluctuation and variation in your keyword search performance. Search engine optimisation is dependent on search engine algorithms which are constantly changing. To this end, fluctuations in ranking can occur from time to time.

Ad On Group requires clear guidance in writing of the key words and search terms you would like to target. We may require ongoing guidance for expansion purposes of new keyword search terms.

If we do not look after your website, we will require administrative access to your website to perform this SEO service to you. This needs to be provided in a timely and ongoing fashion. We cannot be held responsible for any website underperformance or malfunction if we haven't built or don't maintain your website.

We will bi-monthly articles (every second month) about your industry and business. We will write the content with SEO search terms in mind and will write up to 500 word articles.

It is your responsibility to load your blog onto your website. Should we have developed your website, we will load the blogs for you.

It usually takes 2 weeks to write each monthly article.

After the minimum term, the packages will continue to be billed on an ongoing month by month basis. Copyright and development rights are owned by the Ad On Group. Should for any reason the package, or part thereof, be cancelled by the customer post the 12 month minimum term, then the product or relevant products will be deactivated and taken offline.

Ad On Group assigns the usage rights of the developed material ( copy, code, graphics, software ) on a month by month basis to the customer. Should the customer fail to pay their subscription, Ad On Group will then withdraw those usage rights.

The Stimulus Packages are a combination of our products, after your minimum term, if you would like to remove one or more of any of the products that make up your package, the remaining products will be billed at the advertised price of the remaining package/s as outlined on our website package inclusions and prices.

Our packages include a one-off set up fee. This is charged along with your first monthly fee and outlined in the package inclusions.

Should you have completed your minimum term of your chosen product, you may cancel by following this process:

  1. Email in to requesting in writing that you wish to cancel the specific product and providing your 30 day notice to cancel
  2. Allow up to 30 days for us to process your cancellation

If you have an Ad On Hold Flexi Package and have had an Ad On Hold message player installed at your premises, you will need to return our Ad On Hold message player along with following the above process. We cannot cancel your service until we have the Ad On Hold player returned.

After the minimum term, the selected packages will continue to be billed on an ongoing month by month basis. Copyright and development rights are owned by the Ad On Group. Should for any reason the package be cancelled by the customer post the 12 month minimum term, then the product will be deactivated and taken offline.

Termination By Ad on Group

The supplier is Ad On Group. We may for any reason terminate your service at any stage, for reasons beyond our control. Should this happen then your payment for this service would also cease.

Changes to your service outside of your inclusions

Should you require additional changes, outside of your package inclusions, this can only be purchased directly from us on a fee for service basis.

Should you need to make any changes to your service, these can be done by contacting Ad On Group.

Minimum Terms

As per the package inclusions outlined in Term 1.

Offensive material

You may not request any offensive or inappropriate advertising messages or video content. Should your request be deemed in any way offensive we will not produce or load any video and may withdraw your order. We reserve the right to refuse to provide any advertising service that is deemed offensive or inappropriate in any way.

Changes to your service

Cancelling your Existing customer offer package

Should you wish to notify us to cancel your service, this can be done by contacting Ad On Group at We will only accept cancellations in writing and some of the packages may attract Early Termination Charges. The process is outlined in term 3.

Useful contacts

Ad on Group Tel: 1300 055 091 Monday to Friday 9am-5pm AEST

Once we have received your order via our secure online shop, Ad On Group will engage with you to provision the service. We will produce the written advertising content for your chosen package and we will then get your approval before the chosen package is produced. Should you not approve our written content in a timely fashion, you need to be aware that you are paying for the service from the point of ordering.

It usually takes 2 weeks to complete and activate your videos.

It usually takes 5 working days for an Ad On Hold change (not including player install).

It usually takes 2 weeks to create your Blog.

It usually takes 2-4 weeks to create your Google Ads account and get your campaign set up.

It usually takes 4 weeks to create your Brochure Campaign.

It usually takes 8-10 weeks to create your website, so long as you have provided full access and content requirements.

Ad On Review usually takes 10 days to set up.

Our stimulus packages can vary but are based on the above normalised lead times.

All payments for packages are made by paying us through our online shop, either by credit card or direct debit, as per the package descriptions and pricing.

In the instance that a payment is not selected via direct debit or credit card, a charge of $10 excluding GST per month may be actioned by us.

All monthly payments for packages begin from the point of sale acceptance, regardless of whether we are still awaiting content from you to finalise the package.


The supplier is Ad On Group

The Customer is the Company that has engaged Ad On Group services for the provision and ongoing supply of the products in term 1 and from time to time other products

The service is the package that the supplier provides the customer. This package may require the customer to provide the supplier with their customer information.

1 Confidential Information

Confidentiality Obligations
1.1 Each party must:

  1. take all action reasonably necessary to maintain the confidentiality of the other party’s Confidential Information, including establishing and maintaining effective measures to safeguard that other party’s Confidential Information against theft, loss or unauthorised access, disclosure, reproduction or use;
  2. not disclose the other party’s Confidential Information to any person except as permitted under clause 1.2;
  3. not use, disclose or reproduce the other party’s Confidential Information for any purpose other than for the purposes of this agreement;
  4. notify the other party of any potential, suspected or actual unauthorised access, use reproduction or use of the Confidential Information that comes to its attention; and
  5. co-operate with the other party in any action that the other party may take to protect the confidentiality of its Confidential Information under this agreement.

Permitted Disclosures
1.2 A party may disclose the other party’s Confidential Information:

  1. to its directors, officers, agents, employees and related bodies corporate (and their directors, officers, agents, employees ) on a ‘need-to-know’ basis, provided that the party takes reasonable steps to ensure that they are aware of the confidential nature of the Confidential Information before disclosure is made;
  2. to any person with the other party’s prior written consent; or
  3. if required by law, any regulatory authority or the listing rules of any stock exchange where the party’s or a related body corporate's securities are listed or quoted.

Return of Confidential Information
1.3 Subject to clause 1.4 each party must upon the other party’s request, return or destroy (at the other party’s option) any of the other party’s Confidential Information in its or its representatives’ power, possession, custody or control.
1.4 Each party may retain:

  1. the Confidential Information to the extent and for the period in which it is required by that party for the purposes of performing its obligations or exercising its rights under this agreement; and
  2. one copy of the Confidential Information for the purposes of its quality assurance and record-keeping purposes provided it continues to comply with the obligations in this clause 8 in respect of such information.

Injunctive Relief
1.5 Each party acknowledges that monetary damages may not be a sufficient remedy for any breach of this clause 1 and each party is entitled to seek specific performance or injunctive relief (as appropriate) as a remedy for any breach or threatened breach by the other party, in addition to any other remedies available at law or in equity.
Public announcements
1.6 The Supplier must not make any press or other public announcements or releases about or relating to this agreement, without the prior written approval of the customer on such terms and conditions as the customer deems fit.

2 Privacy

2.1 The Supplier must, with respect to any Personal Information provided to, or obtained or accessed by, the Supplier in the course of providing the Services or otherwise in connection with this agreement:

  1. comply with all applicable Privacy Laws (whether or not the Supplier is an organisation bound by the Privacy Act);
  2. choose to be treated as an organisation bound by the Privacy Act under section 6EA of the Privacy Act during the Contact Term if the Supplier is a small business operator under the Privacy Act;
  3. collect, store, use, disclose or otherwise deal with customer Information in accordance with the Privacy Act and as directed by the customer, except to the extent that compliance with the direction would cause the Supplier to breach a Privacy Law;
  4. only use customer Information to the extent necessary to provide the Services or as expressly permitted under this agreement;
  5. not disclose customer Information to any person except:
    1. to Supplier’s personnel, but only to the extent necessary to perform their duties of engagement for the purposes of providing the Services or as expressly permitted under this agreement;
  6. immediately notify the customer if the Supplier becomes aware of any breach or alleged breach of the Supplier’s obligations under this clause and comply with any reasonable direction from the customer with respect to remedying that breach;
  7. take all reasonable steps to ensure that the customer information is protected against misuse and loss, and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure, including undertaking any training of Supplier’s personnel as may be required.

3 Data

3.1 To the extent that the Supplier deals with or has exposure to the customer and/or third party Data, the Supplier must comply with the customer’s information management procedures and safeguards enforced from time to time, including those concerning the security of the customer’s and / or third party Data.
3.2 The Supplier must establish and maintain safeguards against the destruction, loss or unauthorised access, transfer or alteration of the customer’s data that it has in its possession.
3.3 If loss, corruption or reduction in the accessibility or usability of the customer’s data is caused or contributed to by the Supplier, the Supplier must, at its own cost and expense, restore such data using best practice data restoration techniques.
3.4 The Customer hereby grants to the Supplier a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use its Data for the sole purpose of performing the agreed work.
3.5 The Supplier must not, without customer’s prior consent, use or develop the customers Data or make the customers Data available to the Supplier’s personnel or other third parties except to the extent that Supplier’s personnel or third parties need customers Data for the purposes of providing the Services.
3.6 The Supplier must promptly return the customers Data or destroy it so that it is irretrievable;

  1. if required by the customer on a termination of the service; or

3.7 The Supplier must not:

  1. assert any lien or other right against or to the customers Data; or
  2. sell, lease, transfer, convert, dispose of, or otherwise commercialise or exploit the Data (including conducting any data mining or other data analysis activities).

From time to time we may increase our monthly product subscription amounts. These will be in line with annual CPI and may occur on an annual basis or less frequently. These increases may occur at any stage of your subscription with us (during your 12 month minimum term or post your minimum term whilst your subscription is on a month by month basis)

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