Brochure Campaign
Is it time to wake up and be proactive?
What are you doing to keep front of mind with your existing customer base? Now more than ever it’s important to keep your brand in front of the very people who matter most – your customers. As they say, ‘ The best source of new business is from your existing customers’… let us design, create and send regular digital brochures to your customers to drive new business.

Have you ever thought about this? Ten years ago your competitors couldn’t really target your customers unless they had a big newspaper, TV or radio budget…….nowadays competitors can, at the flick of a button, put their offers in front of your customers for a fraction of the price.

Every 2 months a Digital Brochure, including marketing campaign concept, creative content writing, graphic design, link building and reporting sent to your customer base
Simple to read reports showing views, opens and actions
Emailed or texted for you, including email / Text software
Up to 500 included texts every 2 months
Up to 2500 email contacts every 2 months
Promote, educate, loyalty schemes, discounts, new product or services releases, stay front of mind, keep your brand in the mind of your customers.
Drive activity, be proactive not reactive
Generate measurable actions, phone calls, website visits, enquiries and social media followers
excluding GST per month
$600 excluding GST once off set up fee
12 month minimum term, then month by month thereafter

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